End of day pushing
I'm wrapping up my day now. I'm working a bit later than usual, in advance of meeting my family out this evening.
I'm currently feeling an intense, internally generated, pressure to keep pushing. To keep squeezing in a few more to-dos.
This is in spite of me setting a daily priority list. Most of it's done now.
In theory, I'm supposed to sign-off when the list is done. In practice I still struggle to not constantly add to it.
One reason for this post is to help me break that cycle today. I'm trying to slowly ease off the throttle, to ease into the work-to-home transition.
Otherwise, I'm likely to push to the last minute, experiencing diminishing returns, only to then feel like I'm late to meet the family. This creates unnecessary and unhelpful stress, without moving anything forward, really.
So it's with that intention I'll conclude this post, pack-up and move on...
Or at least that's the intention...