Don't Stop Asking Questions

Don't stop asking questions. It's the only way to continue learning.

Don't stop answering questions. It's the only way to help others continue learning.

Encourage others to ask questions. Don't criticize them for doing so, assuming, usually incorrectly, that you know exactly why they are asking the question in the first place.

Remember, none of us have it all figured out. In fact, we have a lot less figured out than we think we do.

Those that present themselves as having it all figured out don't have it all figured out either. In fact, they probably have less figured out than those who are aware that they don't have it all figured out.

This is because the former are less likely to continue learning well, because they're too busy posturing about their own invincible knowledge and/or criticizing those who don't posture this way. The latter are more likely to continue learning well, as they don't let insecurity suffocate their desire to learn.

Asking questions, admitting that we don't know what we don't know, is a strength. It's not a weakness as society, particularly those insecure in their own knowledge, would have us believe.

So keep asking and answering questions. Keep learning and helping others do the same.